Oak Ridge Amateur Radio Cllub

The Anderson County Emergency Net, sponsored by the Oak Ridge Amateur Radio Club, meets each Thursday evening at 7:00 pm EST, on 147.150. (Tone 118.8). All amateur radio operators are welcome!

Weekly Eatin' Meetin' is a fellowship time for chat & chew. Wednesday's @ 11AM at Shoney's in Oak Ridge. All are welcome.
Robertsville Middle School Mentors: every Thursday when school is in session; 5:30 PM; STEM lab. Cubesat is in orbit and images are being downloaded!

License exam testing is conducted in Knoxville, TN on the first and third Saturdays of each month. For VE testing schedules please visit:

Radio Amateur Club of Knoxville

University of Tennessee Amateur Radio Club

Hamfest dates are subject to change without notice. ALWAYS check with Hamfest sponsors to confirm dates and times. The Reflector has information on HamFests.

June 22-23
ARRL Field Day!
June 28
METERS Hospital Net. 7:00 PM in the Homestead Room at Methodist Medical Center. Join us! Set up begins at 6:30PM.
Articles and information due for the Reflector newsletter!
July 8
ORARC Monthly Meeting; 7:00 PM at First United Methodist Church in Oak Ridge. Check the Reflector for the meeting room. Officers meet at 6:45 PM.
July 21
Radio Outreach at the Children's Museum. Come and get children involved in trying out amateur radio. 1PM-4PM.
July 26
METERS Hospital Net. 7:00 PM in the Homestead Room at Methodist Medical Center. Join us! Set up begins at 6:30PM.

Send calendar updates to Mike KQ4NPV. (updated: 6/14/2024)
